
Edit an existing calendar event.



Name Type Description
id Required string The ID of the calendar event.
name string The name of the calendar event.
calendar_id string The ID of the calendar this event is to be added to.
status string The status of the event.
Accepted Values: public, private or draft. Defaults to public.
start datetime The start date of the event. Needs to be a valid date/time field - 24 hour format in GMT. E.g: 2025-12-30 20:30:00
end datetime The end date of the event. Needs to be a valid date/time field - 24 hour format in GMT. E.g: 2025-12-30 20:30:00
all_day string Is it an all day event?
Accepted Values: yes or no. Defaults to no.
where string Where the event will be held.
description string The description for the event. Can include basic HTML.
color string The color of the event.
Accepted Values: Hexadecimal colors are accepted only. E.g: #FF0000
organizer string The ID of the person who is the organizer of the event.
register_url string The website URL people can go to register for this event.
register_form string The ID of the form that people can go to register for this event.
who_can_attend string Who can attend the event. Leave empty if only people invited can attend the event. To allow anyone to attend, set to all.
show_guest_list string Show guest list on the event page?
Accepted Values: yes or no. Defaults to no.
repeat string Make the event a repeating event.
Accepted Values: daily, weekdays, mon_wed_fri, tue_thu, weekly, fortnightly, monthly or yearly.
repeat_frequency integer How often the repeat needs to occur.
Required for: daily, monthly or yearly.
repeat_on string When to repeat.
Required for: weekly, fortnightly and monthly.
Accepted Values for weekly and fornightly: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday or sunday.
Accepted Values for monthly: weekday or monthday.
repeat_occurrences integer How many times do you want this event to repeat.
repeat_end_date datetime The date to finish repeating the event. Needs to be a valid date/time field - 24 hour format in GMT. E.g: 2025-12-30 20:30:00.
locations string|array The locations you would like to add to the event.
locations_replace string|array Replace event locations with new locations.
locations_remove string|array Remove locations from event.
assets string|array The assets you would like to add to the event.
assets_replace string|array Replace event assets with new assets.
assets_remove string|array Remove assets from event.
Expected request JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "57beccc8-af4a-11e0-9b4e-f27fa4b6a61b",
    "name": "Church Picnic",
    "calendar_id": "a6b656e8-19b1-11e2-8de2-7e16f68fe7db",
    "status": "public",
    "start": "2025-07-01 06:40:00",
    "end": "2025-07-01 07:40:00",
    "description": "Come down and enjoy a fun family picnic!",
    "where": "The Park",
    "color": "#999444",
    "organizer": "John Smith",
    "repeat": "weekly",
    "repeat_frequency": 1,
    "repeat_end_date": "2025-07-14 13:30:12"
Expected response JSON XML PHP
    "generated_in": "0.021",
    "status": "ok",
    "event": {
        "id": "57beccc8-af4a-11e0-9b4e-f27fa4b6a61b"
Error responses

Please see our response status codes documentation for details of potential error responses for any API request.

  • 250: Invalid Event ID The ID of the event does not exist.
  • 250: Invalid Calendar ID The ID of the calendar you used does not exist.