
Fields retrieved for all group method calls

When retrieving groups, the following fields will be returned by default.

Name Type Description Returned Values
id string The ID of the group.
date_added datetime The date the group was added. Date is returned in UTC time.
date_modified datetime The date the group was last modified. Date is returned in UTC time.
name string The name of the group.
status string The status of the group.
meeting_address string The group's meeting address.
meeting_city string The group's meeting city.
meeting_state string The group's meeting state.
meeting_postcode string The group's meeting postal or zip code.
meeting_country string The group's meeting country.

Optional fields for group method calls

When retrieving, creating or editing groups, there are optional fields you can use. If creating or editing a group, none of these fields are required.

Name Type Description Accepted Values
people array Can only be used when retrieving a group. Retrieves list of people in a group and indicates their position.
categories string|array The categories this group is assigned to. More details
categories_replace string|array Replace current categories with new categories. More details
categories_remove string|array Remove categories from person. More details
departments string|array The departments this group is assigned to. More details
departments_replace string|array Replace current departments with new departments. More details
departments_remove string|array Remove departments from person. More details
demographics string|array The demographics this group is assigned to. More details
demographics_replace string|array Replace current demographics with new demographics. More details
demographics_remove string|array Remove demographics from person. More details
locations string|array The locations this group is assigned to. More details
locations_replace string|array Replace current locations with new locations. More details
locations_remove string|array Remove locations from person. More details

Advanced: Categories

Use the categories field to add Categories to a group.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "categories": [
            "Small Groups",

If you would like to replace a group's Categories, simply use the categories_replace field instead. This will remove the group's current Categories and replace with the ones you specify.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "categories_replace": [
            "Small Groups",

To remove specific Categories from a group, use the categories_remove field.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "categories_remove": [
            "Small Groups",

Advanced: Departments

Use the departments field to add Departments to a group.

Departments have two levels: Department & Sub-departments. To add a department, you must separate each level with ||.

E.g: Worship Team||Band (or Worship+Team%7C%7CBand when url-encoded)

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "departments": [
            "Worship Team||Band",
            "Worship Team||Vocals"

If you would like to replace a group's Departments, simply use the departments_replace field instead. This will remove the group's current Departments and replace with the ones you specify.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "departments_replace": [
            "Worship Team||Band",
            "Worship Team||Vocals"

To remove specific Departments from a group, use the departments_remove field.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "departments_remove": [
            "Worship Team||Band",
            "Worship Team||Vocals"

Advanced: Demographics

Use the demographics field to add Demographics to a group.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "demographics": [

If you would like to replace a group's Demographics, simply use the demographics_replace field instead. This will remove the group's current Demographics and replace with the ones you specify.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "demographics_replace": [

To remove specific Demographics from a group, use the demographics_remove field.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "demographics_remove": [

Advanced: Locations

Use the locations field to add Locations to a group.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "locations": [

If you would like to replace a group's Locations, simply use the locations_replace field instead. This will remove the group's current Locations and replace with the ones you specify.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "locations_replace": [

To remove specific Locations from a group, use the locations_remove field.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "locations_remove": [