When retrieving people flow details, the following fields may be returned depending on the call.
Name | Type | Description | Returned Values |
id | string | The ID of the People Flow or Step. | |
name | string | The name of the People Flow or Step. | |
admins | array | Array of Member IDs corresponding to the Admins for the People Flow or Step. In the peopleFlows/steps/getAll endpoint it will return extra "Role" details provided by the church | If attached to a People Flow object, the admin is connected to the whole step. If attached to a step, they are only responsible for that step. |
status | string | Whether this People Flow or Step is active or pending. | Empty if People Flow or Step is active. If a step is pending, all steps underneath it should be considered pending as well. |
access | string | People Flow Only - Whether anyone with access to People Flows should have access to this People Flow or not. | Empty if anyone with access to People Flows can access it, or "admin" if only Flow and Step Admins should have access to it |
steps | array | Array of Step Objects attached to the People Flow or Step. | |
locations | array | People Flow Only - Array of IDs of locations this People Flow is relevant for. | Empty if relevant for all locations. |
demographics | array | People Flow Only - Array of IDs of demographics this People Flow is relevant for. | Empty if relevant for all demographics. |
entry_point | string | People Flow Steps Only - Whether this Step is considered an "Entry Point" for this people flow or not. | If any step in a flow has "y" set for this, only those steps should be used to add people into. Otherwise, all steps are equal. |
description | string | People Flow Steps Only - A description of what is this step is about, and what is to happen. Defined by the church. | Only returned by the peopleFlows/Steps/getAll endpoint |
instructions | string | People Flow Steps Only - A set of instructions for Step Admins to follow before marking the person as complete in this step | Only returned by the peopleFlows/Steps/getAll endpoint |
notifications | string | People Flow Steps Only - Whether Step Admins are notified when a person is added into this step or not. | Only returned by the peopleFlows/Steps/getAll endpoint |
hide_pending | integer | People Flow Steps Only - How many days before notifications show in the UI that a person is due in this step. | Only returned by the peopleFlows/Steps/getAll endpoint. 0 will only show on the day the person is due. All other values show that many days before. |
step_due | array | People Flow Steps Only - When a person added into this step will be due. Returns a type key that describes how it is calculated, with additional fields based on the type. Possible type 's and their meanings:- Empty: Person is due immediately. - days : Person is due a number of days after being added. The additional days attribute will provide how many days.- dayweek : Person is due on the next chosen day, specified by the dayweek attribute. IE Next Sunday.- monthday : Person is due based on both week of month and specific day. IE: 3rd Sunday of month.The daycount attribute tells you which week of month is in use and dayweek tells you which day of the week they wil be due.- monthdate : Person is due based on a chosen date in the next month. IE 5th of next month. Specified using the daycount attribute.- quarterly : Person is due based on a week within a quarter and a day. IE: 8th Sunday of the Quarter. Attributes daycount and dayweek provide extra information.- date : Person is due on the specified date. The date attribue will return an object with the date and timezone information needed. |
Only returned by the peopleFlows/Steps/getAll endpoint. |