Get a list of services. The fields listed here will be returned when this method is called.
Name | Type | Description |
page | integer | The results page to retrieve. Default: 1 |
page_size | integer | The number of records to retrieve per results page. Default: 1000 |
all | string | Set this to yes if you would like to retrieve past services as well as future services. Defaults to no. This parameter is ignored when either "start" and "end" parameters are included. |
start | date | The date to start retrieving services from. Needs to be a valid date field. E.g: 2025-12-30 |
end | date | The date to stop retrieving services. Needs to be a valid date field. E.g: 2025-12-30 |
status | string | This can be set to published or draft. Default shows both published and draft services. |
service_types | string|array | The ID of the service types you'd like to include people from. Can be a string or array of ID's. |
fields | array | Optional fields you would like to retrieve for each service. More information on service fields. |
"page": 1,
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"all": "yes",
"status": "published",
"fields": [
"generated_in": "0.021",
"status": "ok",
"services": {
"on_this_page": 100,
"page": 1,
"per_page": 100,
"total": 668,
"service": [
"id": "b0b0d8d2-48dc-426e-aaba-774936274c99",
"status": 1,
"date_added": "2025-02-24 11:56:22",
"date_modified": "2025-08-27 16:17:57",
"name": "Sunday Morning",
"series_name": "The Good Fight Of Faith",
"date": "2025-08-24 09:30:00",
"description": "This service will be held outside, weather permitting!",
"service_type": {
"id": "8a631195-8914-4136-858c-f160885ab60d",
"name": "Sunday Mornings"
"location": {
"id": "8a631195-8914-4136-858c-f160885ab60d",
"name": "Central Campus"
"service_times": {
"service_time": [
"id": "6276c128-1fd9-11e3-8b45-5e1036dfbe18",
"date_added": "2025-02-24 11:56:22",
"date_modified": "2025-08-27 16:17:57",
"name": "First Service",
"starts": "2025-08-24 09:30:00",
"ends": "2025-08-24 11:00:00"
"id": "8ba96d3c-2a6c-11e3-92e6-005dd410cfe0",
"date_added": "2025-02-24 11:56:22",
"date_modified": "2025-08-27 16:17:57",
"name": "Second Service",
"starts": "2025-08-24 12:00:00",
"ends": "2025-08-24 13:30:00"
"plans": {
"plan": [
"time_id": "6276c128-1fd9-11e3-8b45-5e1036dfbe18",
"service_length": 5400,
"service_length_formatted": "90:00",
"total_length": 9000,
"total_length_formatted": "150:00",
"items": {
"item": [
"id": "f1d85614-15f2-11e4-acc9-d60ec099bdeb",
"heading": 0,
"duration": "05:00",
"when": "during",
"title": "Intro video",
"song": "",
"description": "<p>Play intro video</p>"
"id": "fae8aede-15f2-11e4-acc9-d60ec099bdeb",
"heading": 1,
"duration": "00:00",
"when": "during",
"title": "Praise & Worship",
"song": "",
"description": ""
"id": "11e4aede-15f2-fae8-acc9-d60ec099bdeb",
"heading": 0,
"duration": "05:00",
"when": "during",
"title": "How Great Is Our God",
"song": {
"id": "07327f00-c4f8-11e2-a836-d99a7990664d",
"ccli_number": "1234567",
"title": "How Great Is Our God",
"artist": "Chris Tomlin",
"album": "How Great Is Our God",
"arrangement": {
"id": "0732cbc2-c4f8-11e2-a836-d99a7990664d",
"title": "Default Arrangement",
"bpm": "78",
"duration": "05:00",
"sequence": "",
"key_name": "",
"key": "G"
"description": ""
"volunteers": {
"plan": [
"time_id": "6276c128-1fd9-11e3-8b45-5e1036dfbe18",
"positions": {
"position": [
"department_id": "ceb5ee64-8895-102d-80ee-95364de284f0",
"department_name": "Music",
"sub_department_id": "f00c45c2-8895-102d-80ee-95364de284f0",
"sub_department_name": "Vocals",
"position_id": "f00c68ea-8895-102d-80ee-95364de284f0",
"position_name": "BV1",
"volunteers": {
"volunteer": [
"person": {
"id": "dc37a11e-8d49-102d-815d-7f9c91035bbf",
"firstname": "John",
"preferred_name": "Jonny",
"lastname": "Smith"
"status": "Confirmed"
"person": {
"id": "3d3630da-9cfd-102d-bd08-842c500d506d",
"firstname": "Sandra",
"preferred_name": "",
"lastname": "Cook"
"status": "Unconfirmed"
"songs": {
"song": [
"id": "a3dbaee0-b84b-11e2-bcbc-2c3ca68fd88f",
"ccli_number": "12345678",
"title": "All I Need Is You",
"artist": "",
"album": "",
"arrangement": {
"id": "d88fee0-b84b-11e2-bcbc-2c3ca68fa3dba",
"title": "Default Arrangement",
"bpm": "5",
"duration": "4:56",
"sequence": "",
"key_id": "",
"key_name": "",
"key": ""
"files": {
"file": [
"id": "d2a59ffe-15fc-11e4-acc9-d60ec099bdeb",
"title": "Google",
"type": "File",
"html": 0,
"content": ""
"notes": {
"note": [
"id": "3e88b32a-609d-11e3-9b6b-9ace39b5dd37",
"date_added": "2025-12-09 06:43:42",
"date_modified": "",
"note": "<p>A random note!</p>"
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[status] => 1
[date_added] => 2025-02-24 11:56:22
[date_modified] => 2025-08-27 16:17:57
[name] => Sunday Morning
[series_name] => The Good Fight Of Faith
[date] => 2025-08-24 09:30:00
[description] => This service will be held outside, weather permitting!
[service_type] => stdClass Object
[id] => 8a631195-8914-4136-858c-f160885ab60d
[name] => Sunday Mornings
[location] => stdClass Object
[id] => 8a631195-8914-4136-858c-f160885ab60d
[name] => Central Campus
[service_times] => stdClass Object
[service_time] => stdClass Object
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 6276c128-1fd9-11e3-8b45-5e1036dfbe18
[date_added] => 2025-02-24 11:56:22
[date_modified] => 2025-08-27 16:17:57
[name] => First Service
[starts] => 2025-08-24 09:30:00
[ends] => 2025-08-24 11:00:00
[1] => stdClass Object
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[date_added] => 2025-02-24 11:56:22
[date_modified] => 2025-08-27 16:17:57
[name] => Second Service
[starts] => 2025-08-24 12:00:00
[ends] => 2025-08-24 13:30:00
[plans] => stdClass Object
[plan] => stdClass Object
[0] => stdClass Object
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[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => f1d85614-15f2-11e4-acc9-d60ec099bdeb
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[when] => during
[title] => Intro video
[song] =>
[description] => <p>Play intro video</p>
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => fae8aede-15f2-11e4-acc9-d60ec099bdeb
[heading] => 1
[duration] => 00:00
[when] => during
[title] => Praise & Worship
[song] =>
[description] =>
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 11e4aede-15f2-fae8-acc9-d60ec099bdeb
[heading] => 0
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[title] => How Great Is Our God
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[id] => 07327f00-c4f8-11e2-a836-d99a7990664d
[ccli_number] => 1234567
[title] => How Great Is Our God
[artist] => Chris Tomlin
[album] => How Great Is Our God
[arrangement] => stdClass Object
[id] => 0732cbc2-c4f8-11e2-a836-d99a7990664d
[title] => Default Arrangement
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[duration] => 05:00
[sequence] =>
[key_name] =>
[key] => G
[description] =>
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[plan] => stdClass Object
[0] => stdClass Object
[time_id] => 6276c128-1fd9-11e3-8b45-5e1036dfbe18
[positions] => stdClass Object
[position] => stdClass Object
[0] => stdClass Object
[department_id] => ceb5ee64-8895-102d-80ee-95364de284f0
[department_name] => Music
[sub_department_id] => f00c45c2-8895-102d-80ee-95364de284f0
[sub_department_name] => Vocals
[position_id] => f00c68ea-8895-102d-80ee-95364de284f0
[position_name] => BV1
[volunteers] => stdClass Object
[volunteer] => stdClass Object
[0] => stdClass Object
[person] => stdClass Object
[id] => dc37a11e-8d49-102d-815d-7f9c91035bbf
[firstname] => John
[preferred_name] => Jonny
[lastname] => Smith
[status] => Confirmed
[1] => stdClass Object
[person] => stdClass Object
[id] => 3d3630da-9cfd-102d-bd08-842c500d506d
[firstname] => Sandra
[preferred_name] =>
[lastname] => Cook
[status] => Unconfirmed
[songs] => stdClass Object
[song] => stdClass Object
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => a3dbaee0-b84b-11e2-bcbc-2c3ca68fd88f
[ccli_number] => 12345678
[title] => All I Need Is You
[artist] =>
[album] =>
[arrangement] => stdClass Object
[id] => d88fee0-b84b-11e2-bcbc-2c3ca68fa3dba
[title] => Default Arrangement
[bpm] => 5
[duration] => 4:56
[sequence] =>
[key_id] =>
[key_name] =>
[key] =>
[files] => stdClass Object
[file] => stdClass Object
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => d2a59ffe-15fc-11e4-acc9-d60ec099bdeb
[title] => Google
[type] => File
[html] => 0
[content] =>
[notes] => stdClass Object
[note] => stdClass Object
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 3e88b32a-609d-11e3-9b6b-9ace39b5dd37
[date_added] => 2025-12-09 06:43:42
[date_modified] =>
[note] => <p>A random note!</p>
Please see our response status codes documentation for details of potential error responses for any API request.